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Rumney Ranch News


“We rope right and left to get the job done, cause we are in this together... making American beef”


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Retail beef prices continue higher than 2020


David P. Anderson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service | Jan 20, 2021

One common question from back in 2020 was how quickly retail beef prices would return to pre-pandemic levels. Retail beef prices have declined, but remain above year ago levels.

USDA’s All Fresh beef price series peaked at $7.38 per pound in June, 2020. The December monthly average price (released on January 14th) was $6.23 per pound. Retail beef prices declined fairly quickly after the June peak and were averaged $6.38 in August. This data, reported by USDA, is gathered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and reflects a monthly price from grocery stores across all beef quality grades and a range of beef cuts.


Published on 2/16/2021 (3 years 354 days ago)

Rumney Ranch Montana

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Rumney Ranch