About Us

Rumney Ranch in Northwest Montana

The Rumney Ranch is a family owned working cattle ranch on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in north central Montana. Sitting on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountain Front with "Big Sky" views in all directions, we are close neighbors to Canada and Glacier National Park.

The Rumney Ranch was built by Bill and Lorraine Rumney, who established an impressive presence by purchasing the 'Wright Hagerty" place (now the Rumney Ranch). Together they put together cow/calf pairs, solid working horses, corrals, a cookhouse, bunkhouse, and shops to sustain their western lifestyle. They also created a cowboy legacy that they shared with the next three generations. We are proud to continue on with the tradition of raising healthy beef cows for commercial sale on a self sustaining family ranch.

The remote location of the ranch has contributed to a rugged existence in winter, but preserved a way of life synonymous with self reliance. The commercial cattle brand is a reverse S-S worn on the right rib.
Since we rely heavily on neighbors, friends, and family, we will share things we love in Montana and otherwise whenever possible.