Beef Production

Native Glacier grasses, abundant farming stubble, spring fed coulees and well managed hay fields sustain our foundation herd of black Angus mother cows. Our cows are rotationally grazed and well traveled. Frequent movement and exercise at high altitude make calves strong and resilient with potential to gain and grow.

Since north central Montana is the home to some of the best seed stock producers in the USA, our herd benefits from an evolving genetic line more than 50 years in the making. We breed cows older than 4 years of age to Charolais bulls. We are proud to say our herd sires have a strong Debrucker influence several decades in the making. The efficiency of the Charolais Angus cross yields the most value for cattle buyers delivering increased average daily gains, better feed conversion ratios, and over all hybrid vigor.

Our young Angus mothers are bred to black Angus bulls for calving ease. Recent collaborations between Flesch Angus, Midland Bull Test, and Bobcat Angus keep our replacements on track to perform for years to come. We are grateful to Barr Gustafson, DVM- who has specialized experience meeting our livestock’s needs and whose family’s legacy is committed to the health and vitality of cattle raised in Glacier country.
As the United States buckles from recent pandemic related set backs, we will strive to do our part to continue to produce food while keeping land in agriculture and free from development. Our ranch is home to countless wildlife and a domestic cattle herd that mimics the soil enriching actions of historic migrating buffalo. Our hearts and minds are focused on conserving this place and providing a nourishing and wholesome protein source for Americans.